The operation of penis enlargement

The majority of men, the fantasy of increasing its "dignity", they rarely reflect on the cardinal of how to solve the problem. Even the approximate knowledge of how it is produced, the operation of increase of penis, not many dare to such an important step. Unlike the women, the plastic surgery frightens off to a strong half of humanity, but there are cases in which without the medical act can't pass.

the operation of increase of a member of the

The methods of enlarging the member

The operation on the penis go in several ways:

  • Surgical. With your help we can enlarge the penis of 2 to 4, the operation process cleaned up the ligaments, and the inner member of the draw out. Along with the extension of the possible realization of thickening. When this subcutaneously, is introduced the liquid-filled.
  • The popular method. The salt is placed in a cloth bag and put it to a member. Hereinafter, preferably to cause an erection and to process the sexual organ of fat. Below, is 40-50 the stretch marks of a member. Little by little the number of splines increases. The circulation of the blood improvement of the authority, the cavernous folds stretch, and the penis will be a bit longer.
  • The massage. It is recommended three times a week, firmly arch member and a little loose. After several months of hard massage, the size of the penis will increase in 2-3 see
  • Pulling a member extender. Suspended at the head of the apparatus affects the penis, through the stretch and promotion of tissue growth. This method gives a positive result, but requires a prolonged period of use. Is available to the main mass of the men who want to increase the size of the "dignity", and if no urological issues that they can enjoy all the you want.
  • If a man scares the operation of penis enlargement, you may go to the medical center, where are you going to do the stretch with the help of the vacuum pump. This method allows you to not only pull of one body genital, but also make it more elastic. If the amount of money in a clinic can not buy the pump and take care of the inflation of the penis in the home. The action of the pump is the vacuum that is created by the pump. By the stretching of the blood circulation in the penis and increases its thickness. The systematic use of the quality of the erection increases. To achieve a good result, it is necessary to carry out the procedure twice a day. There are a number of contraindications of vacuum for the men, one of which is the violation of the circulation of the blood.
  • There are ointments, creams, lubes and gels, which work in increase of the penis without surgery. The specialists are skeptical, as well as patented and clinically proven medicines, which they render to the interference, does not exist.

If the problem is in the sex, and the man wants to deliver the woman's more fun, when you increase the size of the penis, can use silicone pads, that are sold in the sex-warranty.

The indications for surgery

"In a village of average size of penis is 14 cm, and another of 25, see Why this difference? Because in the first people measured the waist line, and in the second, they conducted a survey." This joke may seem a funny man, if you have these "14 cm", and the problems of impotence and intimate life does not occur. The enlargement operation penis sometimes not simply the whim by the uncertainty of man in himself, and the urgent need. It shows a surgical intervention in these cases:

  • violation of the circulation of the blood in men, the penis due to vascular pathologies. In consequence, the authority is deformed, is reduced or lost power;
  • birth defects, curvature, hypoplasia of the penis;
  • mechanical damage of the injury;
  • age changes related to the gradual revival of the structures and tissues of the penis;
  • the increase in the volume of cartilage or of the cavernous bodies of the member;
  • the operation in nearby organs (for example, in the rectum, bladder, or prostate);
  • the penis length of less than 12 cm in the excited state;
  • the surgery of a member to the sex change.
the increase of a member of the operation

Thanks to the current technology can reduce, compress, lengthen and straighten the body genital.

Specialists consider that the authority, of a size a little smaller than average, can't be bothered and do not obsess with some aesthetic defects. If you require a cosmetic surgery, penis augmentation, decides the doctor, from the patient's complaints and many other parameters. If the sexual organ is functioning, direct the indications of the intervention.

Preparation for surgery

Having decided to increase the size of penis through surgery, the man is written in the query in the selected clinic. Your examined by a specialist and tells us all the ins and outs of the activity.

In some clinics patients show a video that has been recorded throughout the course of the proceedings, and it clearly shows as it performs the operation of increasing penis. For the normal and without preparation, that human sees it is quite scary. And taking into account the long period of rehabilitation and the sensation of pain, it seems that the future is not of the best paintings. Therefore, the representatives of the stronger sex, having decided on the operation of the penis, you can see exactly what is waiting for them and, perhaps, to change the decision.

The plastic surgery penis enhancement is carried out only after a complete examination, and the exclusion of a number of contraindications. The doctor leads necessarily to the patient in the delivery of a blood test to find out:

  • the group and rh factor;
  • the time of accumulation of the blood;
  • diagnosis of infections such as hiv and viral hepatitis
  • in addition to this, the patient is the electrocardiogram.

Most of the operations were performed under general anesthesia, so it is obligatory the consultation of anesthesia. In the "day x" it is forbidden to drink water and eat food.

What happens at the time of the operation

The first, and the hottest question asked patients: how much more of a member after the operation. The second is no less worrisome, the question is, how much it becomes more thick. The magnitude and the breadth of the authority after the procedure largely depends on what type of operation was performed.

Special plastic is normally carried out in two ways:

  1. The enlargement of the authority.
  2. Thickening of the member in its entirety.

Sometimes the operation done in a comprehensive manner, increasing and compressing the penis.

The penis enlargement

The operation is practically painless and the most common mode, which has a mass of merits, and less contraindications. Is generally well tolerated, and no complications occur. Thanks to all who want to increase their genital organ of the man you can use this method.

Before the procedure, the specialist necessarily explains to the patient how it is produced, the operation of augmentation of penis and what you can expect.

  • the patient make of the anesthesia;
  • surgically through access in the scrotum compatible with the ligament of the penis cut. She goes towards the inside of the pelvis and is fixed to the bones;
  • after the repression of the ligaments, the inner part of the penis (which is 2 to 5 cm), pull the extender special for the team. Therefore, visually, a member for more than 3 to 5 cm;
  • the operation of increase of a member does not last more than 15 minutes.

The rehabilitation period includes rest in bed so that the patient can recover, and there have been no unwanted effects. After discharge, you must:

  • periodically visit andrologist;
  • take assigned to a course of antibiotics and pain medications;
  • sexual hygiene of the authority;
  • do not carry covers clothes;
  • avoid strenuous physical efforts;
  • use the extender for 3-6 months.

Complete recovery occurs in the period of six months. Dissected ligament prevents to get back inside of the part of a member of the back. Observing the prescriptions of the physician, the patient was satisfied with the result.

To contraindications lead:

  • decompensated concomitant diseases;
  • the violation of the system of coagulation.
  • urinary of the infection.

A penis surgically can't people under the age of 18 years.

Terrible scars and cuts in the body is not. The specialists ensure that the surgery of lengthening of a member does not affect the blood vessels, muscles, and ligaments, does not affect the power, and does not cause any erection problems in the future.

In some cases, the patient is recommended to use an extender in the period of six months, until the end of the post-operative period. This will improve the result, and to consolidate the effect of surgery of lengthening of the penis.

the increase of one member, through the operation of

We will start with 2 hours, gradually increasing the time of carrying the device to 6 to 8 hours a day. When this pain should not occur. Periodically we must take care that the foreskin is not dávila shoulder strap of the machine. If the correct use of the extender, the penis will be a stretching sensation.

Extended member of 5 mm to 10 days. End with the result, man is able to rejoice only after 6 months of regular wear. "Cattle centimeters" will last a lifetime.

The thickening of the penis

The specialists claim that the operation of increasing penis are applied mainly to the elongation of the authority, rarely thickens. Become a member of the "envelope" of two ways:

  1. The fat graft – "material downloads" under the skin of the penis is taken by the patient of the subcutaneous and the fat folds. After the manipulation of the authority becomes thicker in the 1-1,5 see the Doctors can perform the surgery of penis enlargement in the measure the load under the skin of synthetic material (gel or filler material). But here there is a high risk of development of complications. New options of 2 to 3 years, you have to go back to retrieve, as they have an effect reversible.
  2. More important is the result that gives microsurgical muscle transplantation. Thanks to this complex procedure you can get 3-4 more than a centimeter. Of the abdominal cavity, picks up a flap of muscle tissue, which wraps around the penis. The patient will be under anesthesia for about 3 hours, and to recover from few months. The results of muscle transplantation remain for the whole life and not have the opposite effect.

Surgery to enlarge the member similar forms requires a long recovery. Before you rejoice treasured volumes, the man would have to refrain from intimacy no less than a month and limit physical activity. In the following six months, this can cause problems with erection. If this happens, doctors recommended to drink a special course of drugs that increase sexual potency.

General contraindications to these procedures include:

  • the pathology of the disease of the internal organs;
  • the disease of the vessels and the violation of the circulation of the blood;
  • infectious diseases;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • oncological diseases;
  • clotting of the blood.

The prosthesis

If, in addition to a small member of men have problems with impotence, doctors recommend to perform the prosthesis or the implantation of the prosthesis). Beforehand, fear not worth. If we look at the photos after a successful operation, you can see that the "new" the penis is not different from that of the present, and no woman will not notice the difference.

This is very serious and heavy procedure. When this sexual organ practically dismantled and in part, therefore, the rehabilitation period will be long enough.

How much does a operation of penis enlargement this way, depends on the quality of the prosthesis of the clinic, the training and the experience of the physician. On average, the implant costs about 6 thousand dollars, and the operation of about 200 thousand rubles. The prosthesis are:

  • A plastic in the form of a cylinder of silicone in the wire of the base. It installed without special complications, the Only negative aspect – the hardness of the erection will be constant. For sex, it is enough to only raise.
  • Two-and three-inflatable prostheses. It consists of a plastic cylinder, embedded in the body rather cavernous tel. Implant is equipped with the pump installed in the scrotum. To ensure an erection that is sufficient for a couple of times and clicking in the scrotum. After intercourse, the penis bend, by clicking on the pump.

Turning to the special surgical enlargement of the penis only in extreme cases, when other methods do not help. The total of the indications include:

  • decompensated pathology, including atherosclerosis of the blood vessels;
  • cavernous fibrosis;
  • the syndrome of peyronie's;
  • post-traumatic deformation that has triggered the erectile dysfunction.

Previously, the patient must pass:

  • Ultrasound of the penis;
  • give the analysis of blood;
  • pass angiography of the vessels of the pelvis;
  • visit a urologist, andrologist.

The advantages of plastic surgery, the correction of

The modern plastic surgery medicine walk forward, did not stop to surprise the customers. The plastic surgery penis enhancement has long been a common place and is no surprise to anyone. If nature is not given to you to enjoy large – knife can all be arranged. The reasons for access to the surgeons plastic can be:

the increase of member of the
  • the absence of the effect of the pills and the miracle of medications that increase the sexual organ. In addition, it may affect the erection, and the general state of the organism;
  • vacuum adaptation, which they use many of the men in the home, cause the pain and does not always give positive result;
  • if you rely on a specialist, it is possible without complications to the health of a change in the amount and the length of the "dignity" contribute to the improvement of the elasticity of the tissue, eliminate a variety of defects, including scars, scars, burns.

The plastic surgery penis enhancement is experienced surgeons, who will observe the patient throughout the post-operative period. The man will be able to recover, going through a series of diagnostics and rehabilitation procedures. That means that your health will be in full safety.